website updated 1/11/2025
Join us on Facebook for EIR SCCA news about local auto-x events, just click the link below to go to our Facebook page!
Ready to join us at Eastern Idaho Region of SCCA?
The Eastern Idaho Region is part of the national Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) organization. Membership runs on an annual basis from the date you join, to the same date the following year. You can obtain a new membership or renew your annual membership to EIR SCCA at the national SCCA membership web page: SCCA membership
For more information about the national SCCA, click on the following link: About SCCA
The preliminary 2025 auto-x event schedule is available on the Schedule web page!
Click on the "More details here" button below for more information on the next scheduled EIR SCCA auto-x event.
The next EIR SCCA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, at Tommy Vaughn's restaurant in Blackfoot. Eats, drinks, social from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Formal meeting starts at 7:30 pm. All region members and nonmembers invited.
Click the link below for more info on the 2025 election of officers and topics of discussion for the upcoming club meeting.
The Schedule webpage lists the EIR SCCA auto-x event schedule and other car club event schedules. The preliminary 2025 EIR SCCA schedule of auto-x events is posted on the Schedule webpage. Most of the events have not yet been confirmed, so check back often for updates.
Click on the button below to go to the EIR SCCA schedule web page.
Join our EIR SCCA Facebook group to see all the latest club news, event photos, and conversations. Our Facebook page can be found by clicking ....... here.
A collection of website links for many other area car clubs and race organizations are summarized on a web page for your convenience. To get more information, click the button below.
The Eastern Idaho Region of the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) was formed in 2008 as region #114 of SCCA. Previously the region was a part of the area covered by the Yellowstone Region SCCA from 1986 through 2008. Before that, the region was a part of the area covered by the Snake River Region SCCA from 1984 through 1986. And way before that, the club operated independent from SCCA, as the Eastern Idaho Sports Car Club (1958? through 1984). Our club specializes in the sport of auto-x and organizes several weekend events every summer. Drivers young and old, cars of all kinds, if you want to develop and improve your cars handling capability and your driving capability, come out and experience one of our auto-x events. It's intense!